We are a gluten and dairy free cottage kitchen food provider. We make baked goods, trail mix, granola, nut butter and more. We offer healthy organic (whenever possible), snacks and sweet treats.
I started my gluten and dairy free quest in 2011 and was truly disappointed at the offerings for those of us with food intolerances and allergies. I wanted food to still taste good! I realized quickly that I was going to have create those adaptations myself. With creativity, a LOT of patience and some help from the internet I found many alternative food sources that I was able to cultivate into delicious, (at least I think so), baked goods.
We are always expanding and creating as many new gluten and dairy free alternatives as possible.
If you, or someone you know, is tired of struggling to find cookies that taste like cookies and pie that tastes like pie, then contact us. We are always happy to help make your taste buds do the happy dance!