Music: Graham Good & The Painters

Hey, my name is Graham! I’ve been playing music for 12 years now and I’m hardwired to see the good in life. The songs I sing tell stories of growth, inspiration, and the brighter sides of living. I believe that we are here to share our struggles openly with one another so that we may find communion with the ones who relate or have been through & back. I believe this to be so as to make these struggles our biggest windows for growth. If I choose to see my obstacles as miracles, it will aid in strengthening my soul. I can have no problems with this mindset, only opportunities to improve. Music, the universal language, the tongue of the heart, fuels my will to live like no other. My mission is to help the world remember how exciting it is to learn, laugh, live, and love. We are meant to enjoy this existence and remember who we are, music is a remedy to unravel this mystery.  

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